We have an action that returns a dynamic list of user emails that are due for a monthly newsletter. The action takes an optional mark_as_sent
parameter, which if present will update the user records to show they were sent an email today.
But even though the update operation happens after the users have been selected, the action always returns an empty list when mark_as_sent
is true.
The two operations are not part of the same transaction, so I don't understand why the first one seems to be taking effect before the second?
def monthly_email_list
last_month = DateTime.current-1.month
# Grab all users who havent received a monthly follow up email in a month or more:
@users = User.where("monthly_email_sent < '#{last_month}' AND on_mailing_list = 't'").select("email","id")
if params[:mark_as_sent]
count = User.where("monthly_email_sent < '#{last_month}'").select("email","id").update_all(:monthly_email_sent => DateTime.current)
Rails lazy-loads data from first query, and executes second one immediately. Try to force the first query:
@users = User.where("monthly_email_sent < '#{last_month}' AND on_mailing_list = 't'").select("email","id").to_a