I'm having issues with my footer. It's the appropriate width and length but I can't get the text to move.
I've tried toggling with the numbers, using both negative and positive numbers with no luck. I'm using a theme created by another tumblr user, with permission to edit it to my liking, but she won't help me edit it, which is how I got here.
I'd like the text on the left side to be 20px from the left, and the text on the right to be 20px from the right. Both sets of text should be 15px from the top. (These are just guesses- once this problems solved, I'll probably toggle a bit more.)
Here's a link to the coding: http://pastebin.com/c0RdkC4W
Thank you in advance!!
OK, so you have some css being applied to the footer (I assume you are talking about the main site footer rather than the footer for each post.
You need to find the css for the #footer
And apply the following css:
#footer {
padding: 15px 20px 20px 20px;
height: 130px;
That is in addition to the properties already applied to that element. It's on line 231 of the full block of html you posted.
I am afraid setting the height on the footer is a hack, you would have to adjust this if you add or remove navigation items. A better solution is to use clearfix.
You also have some inline styles hard coded into the html, this is often frowned upon as it is easier to control the css using classes, id's and element selectors. But sometimes these inline styles get written to the template via the tumblr options.
See how you get on and give us a shout if you need more help.