I'm trying to authorize with chrome.identity.getAuthToken() to get token for Picasa web service. I couldn't find Picasa API in Google Developer Console and set its scope to "https://picasaweb.google.com/data/" oauth2 part of manifest.json. Picasa docs say that I can skip this step.
interactive: true
}, function (token) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
} else {
getAuthToken() always ends with an error "OAuth2 request failed: Service responded with error: 'bad client id: {0}'". If no scopes are set, the error looks like "OAuth2 request failed". Where have I mistaken?
It seems amazing but after 1 day has passed, everything is working :)
UPD: I've tried gdrive sample from chrome-app-samples repo and added scope for Picasa. After everything worked fine, I copied its key and oauth2 section to my app's manifest. Everything worked fine too. After this I deleted client_id for app in developer console and created it again. And after that everything was ok.