I am a beginner for flex. Now i am trying samples using the layout.
See the following scenario,
<s:VGroup horizontalAlign="center">
<s:Label text="VGroup Container"/>
<s:Button label="One"/>
<s:Button label="Two"/>
<s:Button label="Three"/>
<s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="center"/>
<s:Label text="Group with VerticalLayout"/>
<s:Button label="One"/>
<s:Button label="Two"/>
<s:Button label="Three"/>
Is it having any differences? If it's having, please share it with me. Otherwise tell me which one is better or which one is correct?
Thanks in advance.
The two are equivalent, mostly...
In general if I know the group layout orientation I'll use VGroup/HGroup rather than Group and layout, but that's just my preference, I don't think there's a significant performance difference.
I have places where I need to change orientation, so I'll use Group and change the layout based on the orientation state. VGroup/HGroup won't let you change the layout associated with them.