I am doing project in remote sensing. Working with HDF on matlab is very easy. But i want to implement this with grid computing (Ubuntu). So i am trying with octave. I have HDF4 files of chlorophyll. Normal Image processing will be done by octave easily. But i want to know about hdfread, hdftool in Octave. I am added a image packages within octave image. Can anyone tell me how to read and how to work with hdf data's. Is there any package to add. Please let me know about this.
For HDF5, Octave can load it without additional package.
For HDF4, you can convert it to NetCDF file using h4tonccf or OPeNDDAP hdf4_handler, and then load it via NetCDF call through the Octave's octcdf package. We provide a complete example with full Octave source codes here:
The below is a sample NASA HDF4 plot created by Octave via OPeNDAP.