I would like to create a website and play a video stream on it, but I'm not well-familiar with such kind of technologies. I've been researching for several days trying to find the most cost-effective solution. Unfortunately, I didn't come up with it yet.
There are several important moments:
Any solutions/suggestions are appreciated.
Since you dont have good bandwidth, streaming from your pc or hosting streaming servers from your end is out of question. Like you mentioned, there are lots of 3rd party offering you streaming solutions, but they expensive... but there are a few cheap service providers as well. You can look at them...
Another great free option will be the newly launched Youtube Live. You will have to enable "Live" streaming feature in your account. Looks like you will have to be eligible to have it enabled.
If its enables, you can push your pre-recorded video files/live video to the google's publishing point. For that you can use any supported media encoders. More info can be read here on how to set it up.
Once thats setup, you can stream events as if its a real live event !
Few paid thirdparty streaming below (Google for more ofcource)