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Autohotkey can't handle characters? (BitCoin reward for the answer!)

I have the follow autohotkey map:

    ^j:: Send ^{PgUp}

This works fine. It maps control + j to control+pagedown.

But I would like to map the keycombination

    s & j:: Send ^{PgUp}

So when you press s and j simultaneously, it will send control pagedown to Windows. Then i'm running into the problem that the character 's' never shows up in my input field, but the character 'j' is appearing as normal. That is weird. The combo key is working, by the way. But I want to get the character 's' key working too.

And are there ways to map the key combination sj (when the both are pressed simultaneously) ?


  • ~s & j:: Send ^{PgUp} return

    was the winning answer by the way, got it from the user RCHP on Autohotkey forum :)