I'm using wikitude plugin and phonegap for my augmented reality mobile app (iOS) project. My problem is, I cant load architect world even my relative path is correct. It shows nothing on my screen.
My code in index.js
loadARchitectWorld: function(sample) {
if (app.isDeviceSupported) {
// if you want to listen to document.location = architectsdk://yourhost?param1=foo¶m2=bar simply set the onUrlInvoceCallback
WikitudePlugin.setOnUrlInvokeCallback( app.onClickInARchitectWorld );
My folder structure.
Have you had a look at the Wikitude PhoneGap sample application? It loads worlds using relative paths.
You can also set onError callbacks for both, the isDeviceSupported
and loadARchitectWorld
(There are variables on the WikitudePlugin where you can set a custom callback function for world loading errors).