So I'm trying to create a directory and I cannot figure out why its dying when I do. I've tried a hardcode test of the path so I don't think its a permission issue. When I cut apart the path I want to create, I make sure to NULL terminate the string. I've even tried to get the error with GetLastError()
but it crashes the program so I can't. What have I done wrong?
EDIT:: If I uncomment the line in main, let it create the folder and delete it before I try to create it again in the function, the function succeeds. this actually a permission issue somehow?
int main(void) {
int start;
char* test = "C:\\Users\\Daniel\\Desktop\\temp\\second";
// CreateDirectory(test, NULL); //this works
int fileCopy(char* path){
char line[500];
FILE *new;
FILE *old;
char *old_path = "C:\\Users\\Daniel\\Desktop\\temp\\data.txt";
old = fopen(old_path, "r");
new = fopen(path, "w");
if(old != NULL){
if(new == NULL){
char * last;
last = strrchr(path, 92); //the \ character
int size = strlen(path)-strlen(last);
char *dir;
dir = memcpy(dir, path, size + 1);
dir[size] = '\0';
CreateDirectory(dir, NULL);
new = fopen(path, "w");
return 0;
You didn't allocate any memory for "dir".
char *dir;
dir = malloc(sizeof(char) * (size + 1));
dir = memcpy(dir, path, size + 1);