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MDX Column Alias for use in SQL

I'm trying to query our SSAS cubes and return the values into a SQL view for use as parameters in cube based reports.

I need to return 3 values for financial seasons based on the date hierarchy.

This is the below code, which returns the correct data.

    MEMBER [CurrentHalf] AS [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME
    MEMBER [NextHalf] AS [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].LEAD(1).UNIQUENAME
    MEMBER [PreviousHalf] AS [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].LEAD(-1).UNIQUENAME

SELECT {[Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].[Season Half]} ON COLUMNS , 
        {[CurrentHalf],NextHalf,PreviousHalf} ON ROWS
FROM [Sales and Stock]

WHERE  (Filter([Date - Master].[DateKey].Members,[Date - Master].[DateKey].MemberValue = (format(now(),"dd/MM/yyyy"))))

However the column name for [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].[Season Half] returns the caption value (e.g. 2014- Autumn /Winter).

See image:

enter image description here

Normally this would be fine however as I am passing it into SQL I need a column name to select off. What I need is to rename this column to something else (e.g. HalfName)

I have tried

    MEMBER [CurrentHalf] AS [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME
    MEMBER [NextHalf] AS [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].LEAD(1).UNIQUENAME
    MEMBER [PreviousHalf] AS [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].LEAD(-1).UNIQUENAME
    MEMBER [HalfName] as [Date - Master].[Financial Calendar].[Season Half].CURRENTMEMBER.VALUE

        {[CurrentHalf],NextHalf,PreviousHalf} ON ROWS
FROM [Sales and Stock]

WHERE  (Filter([Date - Master].[DateKey].Members,[Date - Master].[DateKey].MemberValue = (format(now(),"dd/MM/yyyy"))))

But that still didn't work.


  • When you define MEMBER expressions as you have, it infers you are creating them on the [Measures] dimension, so the full name of your [HalfName] column is [Measures].[HalfName].

    Also, I don't see where SQL/T-SQL come into this, unless you are mistaking your MDX for SQL (they look similar as they share some syntax, but are very different beasts).