I just wondering how do fetch specific level elements from model with TreeBehavior.
It's pretty simply for first level elements.. just find elements with parent_id =>null but for deeper levels...?
Is there any clean and simply way to do that?
This can be done in pure SQL. You can get even the count of descendant per node.
SELECT n.name,
COUNT(*)-1 AS level,
ROUND ((n.rgt - n.lft - 1) / 2) AS offspring
FROM tree AS n,
tree AS p
WHERE n.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt
GROUP BY n.lft
ORDER BY n.lft;
If you add HAVING level = 2
after GROUP
the statement, it might get only the level you're looking for. Honestly I've been to lazy to test it right now and to turn it into a CakePHP find() array, give it a try.
This website http://www.klempert.de/nested_sets/ has a very good explanation of how to work with trees, but it is written in german, you can try to translate it via google translate.