Okay, so I am making a game, and I can't figure out how to keep the sound track from overlapping. When the game comes to a lose or win screen, I will click "Play again" and the sound will overlap. I have the sound on it's own layer. Here's what I have so far.
var snd_SolidState = new SolidState();
And on Layer 2 Frame 2 and 3, I have:
snd_SolidState = null;
It says "stop" is not a function. So how would I get the song to stop on the lose/win screens? SolidState is the song.
If the code is related to the click of the "Play again" Button, here is the code for those.
function upAgain(e:MouseEvent){
Can anyone help?
The variable snd_SolidState is a Sound object, Sound doesn't have a stop method implemented; The Sound.play() however, returns a SoundChannel object which does...
So you can store that (the SoundChannel object returned by snd_SolidState.play()), which you can later use to stop the song.
PS: I recommend you start typing your variables (ie: var snd_SolidState:Sound;), that way you force yourself to know which object type you're dealing with and can find reference for it; in this case Sound.play().