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Common Lisp: asdf depends-on specific version

I'd like to know how to depend on a specific version of a library in a ASDF system?

(asdf:defsystem #:my-system
    :serial t
    :description "Describe my-system here"
    :author "My Name <>"
    :license "Specify license here"
    :depends-on (#:hunchentoot
    :components ((:file "package")
                 (:file "dispatch")))

The above system depends on hunchentoot and cl-who. As of my understanding the latest versions of both libraries will be used. How can I specify to use cl-who 1.0.5 (e.g) instead?

Thanks in advance.


  • :depends-on ((:version #:hunchentoot "1.2.18")

    Note, that in current ASDF (version 3.1) that will be treated as version 1.2.18+ .