If 33 people with 33 cars show up to a carpool parking lot, how many cars will be needed if each car can hold 4 people? How many cars will be left at the parking lot?
I know the answer is 9 but how do I write the script for that. I have been struggling for hours on this.
cars = 33
people = 33
people_per_car = 4
cars_needed = people / people_per_car
cars_left_at_lot = cars - cars_needed
print cars_needed
print cars_left_at_lot
I get 8 - Wrong!
This is because in python2 when both operands are integers you perform integer division that by default rounds down:
>>> 33/4
>>> 33/4.0 # Note that one of operands is float
>>> math.ceil(33/4.0)
In python3 division is performed in float fashion by default (but I guess it is irrelevant).