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Backbone routes: optional params in root not matching

I'm trying to get GitHub-esque route matching through Backbone. This means that hits to /:userName should get caught last, after every other route has been checked. In my current setup my unit route gets triggered on all calls, is there a way to make it behave properly? Many thanks!

'use strict';

 * Module dependencies

var course = require('./views/course');
var unit = require('./views/unit');

 * Routes

var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
  routes: {
    '(/)': 'course',
    '/:user/:course/:unit(/)': 'unit'
  course: function() {
  unit: function() {

 * Init router

var router = new Router();

 * Options

  pushState: true


  • It appears that if you make routes that start with a "/something", Backbone interprets them as "//something". So the solution was to remove all prepending slashes, now it works just fine.