I have an idea to put the templates in the database, and offer the possibility for the designer to edit the templates direct from CMS panel. But what is haunted me is the security question. How could it be any secure if we have ability to put python commands directly in the templates. If I have something like this in a mako template:
import os
os.system('rm /var/www/env/harmless.txt')
it will performed successful and harmless.txt will be removed. Should I find for another template engine except Mako or could I somehow configure Mako to prevent harmful code injection? On the other hand, some python commands incredibly helpful used in templates, inline if statement for example.
If they have their own separated instance of a CMS it doesn't matter like Loic points out. But if they are in some shared environment it is best to use another template engine. The question Untrusted templates in Python - what is a safe library to use? recommends Django templates and Jinja2.