I used to connect database using one database user per web application.
Now for enterprice application, It seems that multi databse user connection is more safe than one user.
for example: hr dep. use hr db user account in connection and dev dep. use another.
what's the best choice?
You can have one database user account per user, such as "Frank", and "Jane".
You can setup roles as well, such as "HR", or "CSR", and assign your users to roles. You can't do this in MySQL but you can in MariaDB, though you seem to have Oracle too ;)
You would also have a user account for the web server, whose only right is to CONNECT and call SET ROLE. You are essentially delegating authentication to the web server. The web server might authenticate the user in the database, or perhaps using OAUTH.
Connect as the web server user, then call SET ROLE to the name of whichever user is logging in. If you are careful to reset everything in a connection, then you can still use pooling.
Then, a user can only do what you have allowed them for their roles.
This is also useful for auditing, as you can just put CURRENT_USER in an audit table.