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how to do 3D stable stacking for rigid body in Python

Is there any library that I can use to do simple 3D stacking simulation in python? To simplify the issue, all objects are box with integer width / height / depth / top / left / z-index. And the only thing need to be simulate is determine the stacking is stable or not.

I am currently searching some physical engine to do this job.


box2d It does stable stacking well, except it is 2d.

An stable stacking sample From box2d enter image description here


I finally end up with using Chrono:PyEngine. It is really easy to use and the python binding is up to date. The only thing hard I found is that the latest version only support python 3.X


My Sample code to run stack checking with Chrono:PyEngine.


  • This is one of those questions with no really satisfying answer. But take a look at these:

    • pyODE (ODE exported to python), but latest is from 2010 and supports up to python 2.6; the C++ side seems to be actively maintained
    • newton which has python bindings but latest release (even C++ backend) again not updated since 4/2011;
    • bullet which is actively maintained at the C++ level but the python bindings have not been updated in about a year and down't know how comprehensive and stable
    • reactphysics3d is C++ but actively maintained: need to create python bindings
    • havoc: not free and no python bindings, but appears most powerful

    If you are willing to learn SWIG ( you can probably create your own Python binding for the parts of Bullet or PyODE or reactphysics3d that you want. Don't know about Havoc.