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lua equivalent of python repr

Is there an equivalent function to Python's repr() function in Lua? In other words a function that prints non-printable characters with \x where x is n or b etc, or \000 code if not a Lua string escape character. I've googled and can't find anything. Lots to find about putting non-printables in a string, nothing about generating a print-friendly version of a string with non-printable chars.


  • The closest equivalent would be the %q option for string.format.

    The q option formats a string between double quotes, using escape sequences when necessary to ensure that it can safely be read back by the Lua interpreter. For instance, the call

     string.format('%q', 'a string with "quotes" and \n new line')

    may produce the string:

    "a string with \"quotes\" and \
      new line"

    You'll notice that new lines are not converted into the the character pair \n. If you would prefer that, try the following function:

    function repr(str)
        return string.format("%q", str):gsub("\\\n", "\\n")