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Caputure Signatures in mvc

I am going to start to work with electronic signatures for a website for my company. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on best practices and/or implementations. Note, I am not asking for anyone to spoon feed me code. I want to get ideas on how to go about it. I would like to be able to use a usb signature pad and submit the signature to the website with it.

Thanks in advance.


  • One approach I've used with success before is to use JavaScript to capture mouse movement. Basically, the idea is to have a region of your page that tracks every "mouse move" event's pointer coordinates relative to the top left of the container element. Store these coordinates in a JavaScript array.

    On the server side, you can use these coordinates as points to put black pixels, which will represent your signature.

    I don't know if something like this already exists as an MVC control, but I know this has been done in ASP.NET WebForms.

    I don't know how you'll be able to integrate a signature pad without ActiveX, unless the pad can display a section, or all, of the screen.