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how to stop TweenLite and how to repeat a function with TweenLite

So basically I want to make a Blinking effect with a textField where the time will be 1 sec. I have only a "brut" code that I think it can be done easier but coundt figure out how to make it loop.

i have only this

private var myBlackText:TextField = new TextField();
    private var myRedText:TextField = new TextField();
    private var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

    public function Main()
        myBlackText.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('Verdana',20,0x000000);
        myBlackText.x = 200
        myBlackText.y = 200
        myBlackText.text = "YOYO"

        myRedText.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('Verdana',20,0xFF0000);
        myRedText.x = 200
        myRedText.y = 200
        myRedText.text = "YOYO" myRedText, 1, { alpha:0, onComplete:ShowRed });
        function ShowRed():void
   myRedText, 1, { alpha:1, onComplete:HideRed });
        function HideRed():void
   myRedText, 1, { alpha:0, onComplete:ShowRed });
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);

    private function onClick(ev:MouseEvent):void
        //how do I stop the TweenLite ????


  • If you only want to kill the tween, this is as simple as possible.

    TweenLite.killTweensOf(myRedText);//will kill all tweens of myRedText

    Try this if you want it be more simple in just on line. myRedText, 1, {alpha:0, repeat:-1, yoyo:true} );


    repeat=-1 means repeat forever.

    yoyo=true means do Red's alpha from 1-0 and 0-1

    So the whole is Red's alpha from 1-0-1-0-1...