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Using multicharacter delimiter in bash script

I have a text file,in which data is of the form:

Number of Iterations: 150
Average time is 45 ms
Average time for collisions is 50 ms
Total time is 95 ms

There are multiple files of this kind. I have to read all these files and make a csv file which will contain entries of the form:


where each row corresponds to one txt file.
I am writing a bash script to generate the CSV file from this data.
I want to read only the numbers from the text file.
For the first line I tried to use

    IFS =": " read w1 w2

But it splits the line by using space also as delimiter along with ':'
When I used


An additional space was printed in front of 150 which I dont want.
How do I do this?
Also in the second line I want to use "is " as a delimiter. Is it permitted?


  • You can use this awk:

    cat file
    Number of Iterations: 150
    Average time is 45 ms
    Average time for collisions is 50 ms
    Total time is 95 ms
    Number of Iterations: 200
    Average time is 40 ms
    Average time for collisions is 60 ms
    Total time is 100 ms
    awk '/^Total/{p=1} {gsub(/[^0-9]+/, ""); a[++i]=$0}
         p{print a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]; p=0; delete a; i=0}' OFS=, file