I have downloaded the latest test studio from Telerik website.
I have created a test based on the Sample tests (Load Tests) shipped with telerik. However, When I am trying to run the test I get this error "We are unable to run the tests. Please make sure that the controller that you are using have enough users allocated..." . Also the Run this test button is disabled. So I canNot run the test.
I tried to record a new test and still same result.
Does anyone knows what is this issue. I am following the guide on this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ekx7hjtDSbM&feature=c4-overview&list=UUSTKUvLyGUg-TIuN5qW48ZA
Does anyone know what this error is?
You have to do the following to make it work:
Click on manage icon.
Then on Add Scheduling Service.
Type in the Computer Name/IP, test connection and click ok.
Drag the slider in the balance column to set the number of users and save settings.