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force unpacking of certain egg directories

I have an egg distribution of a PyQt application which i build myself, and it contains sphinx generated documentation. When i call the help file from the application it opens the sphinx index.html in a QtWebKit.QWebView window. Apparently, only the index.html file is extracted from the egg into the OS's egg-directory (e.g. [..]\Application Data\Python-Eggs\ under Windows).

This results in broken css, broken images, and broken links, because these other files don't seem to get unpacked; they are present in the egg file, but not in the egg-directory.

Am i missing something here? Is there a way to force unpacking all html, css, image file immediately?


  • I see that you've already found another way to do it, but for future reference, here's the non-workaround way to do it automatically, from the documentation at [emphasis added]:

    If you are using tools that expect your resources to be "real" files, or your project includes non-extension native libraries or other files that your C extensions expect to be able to access, you may need to list those files in the eager_resources argument to setup(), so that the files will be extracted together

    So, in this case, what you want to do is have:

    eager_resources=['doc/sphinx/build/html', 'doc/sphinx/build/html/index.html']

    in your, which will cause the 'html' directory to be recursively extracted when you ask for the index.html (assuming that 'doc' in your example is a top-level package).

    (You can find out more about the eager_resources keyword in the docs at