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Super basic twitter-typehead page not working

I'm trying my first page working with "Multiple Sections with Headers", but I'm having difficulty figuring this out.

JS BIN here:,css,js,output

JSON files are stored on the local server, containing default data from twitter-typehead site.

Updated JS BIN file:,js,output


  • Using JS Bin, I've re-created the "Dead simple" example found in the typeahead.js examples:

    Note that there are quite a few other examples of Typeahead.js on this site which makes use of, which I personally prefer to JS Bin.

    The source as you know is:

    // instantiate the bloodhound suggestion engine
    var numbers = new Bloodhound({
      datumTokenizer: function(d) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.num); },
      queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
      local: [
        { num: 'one' },
        { num: 'two' },
        { num: 'three' },
        { num: 'four' },
        { num: 'five' },
        { num: 'six' },
        { num: 'seven' },
        { num: 'eight' },
        { num: 'nine' },
        { num: 'ten' }
    // initialize the bloodhound suggestion engine
    // instantiate the typeahead UI
    $('.typeahead').typeahead(null, {
      displayKey: 'num',
      source: numbers.ttAdapter()

    To get the "Multiple Sections with Headers" example working you'll need to develop locally, else you'd need to use a remote source to enable JS Bin to access your locally hosted json files.

    Note that the reason why your example (i.e. ) wasn't working was:

    • You were missing a reference to jQuery 1.9+
    • You forgot to add opening body and div tags

    Also I recommend that you include dependencies to libraries using a "script" element instead of placing the entire library into the JS Bin "Javascript" section; reserve the "Javascript" section for code which makes use of the referenced libraries.