I am trying to update a MySQL database field (decrease the value by 1) in a specific row (ID) of the "places" column, as long as the number in the field is greater than 0.
(see the example statement below)
UPDATE table SET places = places - 1 WHERE id = $id AND places > 0
The statement below fails apart from changing the value of the field to zero. I would be grateful if anyone can help with the syntax error.
global $modx;
$table = "`database_name`.`table_name`";
$update_seats = "`places` - 1";
$result = $modx->db->update( '`places` = "' . $update_seats . '"', $table, '`id` = "' . $id . '" AND `places` > 0' );
return $result; // Returns 'true' on success, 'false' on failure.
You have enclosed new value of field in double quotes
$result = $modx->db->update( '`places` = "' . $update_seats . '"', $table, '`id` = "' . $id . '" AND `places` > 0' );
what is evaluated as string in MySQL query. Remove double quotes here
'`places` = "' . $update_seats . '"'
so that it looks like this
$result = $modx->db->update( '`places` = ' . $update_seats, $table, '`id` = "' . $id . '" AND `places` > 0' );