Hi Anyone know of a simple system of getting xml formatted inside an editor. I mainly use textpad so that would be my main interest. What I'm really asking is that when I paste an xml string from a logfile or something into textpad that I can use a plugin or a third party tool to format the xml in textpad so it is readable.
Edit: Thanks for all the suggestions, but I think what I'm really looking for is a way of formatting a string of text I just paste into the editor and then (without saving the document) get it to be formatted as an xml string eg. indentation.
Any suggestions?
Update: I found that Editpad pro allows you to write tools that will take the current selected text as input and replace it with the output. This is more powerful than what textpad allows you to do and just what I want.
There are add-ons for textpad that do it. Look at TextPad Syntax Definition Files or TextPad add-ons: utilities.