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Redefining unsigned Char Boolean_type to True and false struct

According to Autosar_SWS the boolean must be unsigned char. But I am having lots of MISRA violation in my compositions, like MISRA rule 10.1 (conversion violation), Rule 12.6 (effective boolean).

I would like to know if I redefine the BOOLEAN for my application like below:

#ifdefine BOOLEAN_T
#undefine BOOLEAN_T

typedef struct {
                 unsigned char TRUE  : 1;
                 unsigned char FALSE : 1;
               } BOOLEAN_T;    

#define TRUE 1;
#define False 0;


What will be the safety concerns and the consequences?


  • For safety you can use for example a bit pattern:

    unsigned char data = 0x55 << (input_bit & 1);
    switch (data):/* instead of if() */
     case 0xaa:
     case 0x55:
     case default: