I'm actually in charge of a FIP networking c++ application, working for the first time with Embarcadero C++ Builder XE5. The app is nearly finished, but I can't find how to implement the last feature...
I wanted to open an external Windows HyperTerminal in order to see what happen on a given COM port, for this purpose I'm using ShellExecute() to launch it from my application but it's a bit ugly since there is 2 different windows.
I was wondering if it was possible to integrate this newly opened HyperTerminal into an existing form (Panel for instance). I couldn't find nothing related excepted this => Delphi style, but i don't understand a byte of @mghie answer since it's delphi.
If anyone have a clue I'm really interested, even the most basic clue!
For almost all of my projects where COM port interaction is needed I use AsyncPro. The project is very well documented with a ~1000 page reference manual.
For this case, the package provides a VCL terminal that simply drops onto a form. It's quite flexible with a lot of options to configure its behaviour.