Let's say I have a multidimension array, which in C99 I could write like this:
#define SIZE1 10
int size2;
int myArray[SIZE1][size2];
Although supported by several compilers, this is not strictly C++, and won't be included until C++14. To obtain the same (apart stack/heap problem irrelevant for my case) using boost::scoped_array, I write:
boost::scoped_array<int> myArray[SIZE1];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE1; i++)
myArray[i].reset(new int[size2]);
So, not so concise expression. Am I missing something, or for multidimension arrays with variable length there is no easy plain C++ way to obtain a quick allocation?
Some reference: Why aren't variable-length arrays part of the C++ standard?
will take both a size and an initial value, which you can use to set initial size of both the outer and inner vector:
vector< vector<int> > myArray(SIZE1, vector<int>(size2));
is specifically designed as a multidimensional array, and is more fitting than boost::scoped_array
boost::multi_array<int, 2> myArray(boost::extents[SIZE1][size2])