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Documentation for SimpleForm in luci

I try to manipulate the code that generates the config mode in the freifunk firmware gluon but I cannot find the documentation how to add a TEXTAREA instead of an INPUT field at this lines:

o = s:option(Value, "_contact", "Kontakt")
o.default = string.format("%f", uci:get_first("gluon-contact", "contact", "public_info", ""))


  • I found some documentation here:

    So a textarea is called TextValue:

    o = s:option(TextValue, "_contact", "Kontakt")
    o.default = string.format("%s", uci:get_first("gluon-contact", "contact", "public_info", ""))
    o.rmempty = false
    o.datatype = "string"                                  
    o.description = "z.B. E-Mail, Telefon oder Chat-Name"  
    o.size = 35