I have a complicated system of folders and I need to share 2nd and 3rd level folders with certain groups of users while maintaining the full path to the folder.
Is this possible? I tried but without success as if I share a folder eg. Project 1->Administration with the "Group Administration" on the client I only see the Administration folder and I need, instead, to replicate the entire structure.
Thanks for the support
With the current ownCloud sharing implementation this is simply not possible. Every shared item appears directly in the "Shared" folder of the user the file/folder is shared with.
Update: At the moment ownCloud (and I guess also nextCloud) allow a user to move around and rename files/folders shared with them. So even if you could enforce a certain structure on your users, they could always change it afterwards.
You could always report a feature request for it (or maybe there even already is one) here: https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/ .