I read the tutorial from IBM development website. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-googleclndr/#resources
I tested successfully. Now I don't know how to insert the event Description at my event view page. Based on the code below. Only showed event id, event title. Is there a parameter like event->description ? thanks.
The code below from the sample code file view.php
foreach ($feed as $event) {
echo "<li>\n";
echo "<h2>" . stripslashes($event->title) . "</h2>\n";
echo stripslashes($event->summary) . " <br/>\n";
$id = substr($event->id, strrpos($event->id, '/')+1);
echo "<a href=\"edit.php?id=$id\">edit</a> | ";
echo "<a href=\"delete.php?id=$id\">delete</a> <br/>\n";
echo "</li>\n";
I think that what you are looking for is $event->content
. Have a look at the Manual for Zend_GData catelendar API.