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OOAD book recommendation: from theory to practice

I am on the quest to be a good OO-developer. OO intrigues me, because I understand the patterns, know why composition gives you more flexibility then inheritance, and more of such wisdom. However, I came to the conclusion that I know how to implement a factory of a singleton, but that I do not know how to come up with a robust OO design.

I have a bunch of books

  1. Design Patterns by the GoF
  2. AntiPatterns Brown et al.
  3. Refactoring by Fowler
  4. Code complete 2

They might be very good books, but they don't teach you to architect an application. I am often paralysed by some very basic decisions (example). I am looking for a book that teaches the when and why. There are many books about hammers and nails, but I have yet to find a book that tells you something about their practical relationship.

What book was most instrumental in making you a confident OO-architect/designer?


  • The best book I ever read about OO is Bertrand Meyer Object Oriented Software Construction.

    Its huge but it was very useful for me. It covers every single aspect of OO design IMVHO.