I'm using SQL Server 2012 Express (T-SQL) and I have this table (AwardsPlayers) with the following data in it. My database does not support MySQL. I've looked here and here but I still can't get it right.
If I create a function, will that work in a 4-table join where I have multiple aggregate columns as only one column of many within that join?
playerID awardID yearID lgID notes
puckett Gold Glove 1986 AL OF
puckett Silver Slugger 1986 AL OF
puckett TSN All-Star 1986 AL OF
puckett Gold Glove 1987 AL OF
puckett Silver Slugger 1987 AL OF
puckett TSN All-Star 1987 AL OF
puckett Gold Glove 1988 AL OF
I have a larger join I'm using, but from this table I want to be able to return a Query for each playerID and yearID the awardID that correspond to that year.
For instance from the table above the query would return this:
playerID yearID Awards
puckett 1986 Gold Glove, Silver Slugger, TSN All-Star
puckett 1987 Gold Glove, Silver Slugger, TSN All-Star
puckett 1988 Gold Glove
And a blank in the Awards column, should there be no awards for that year.
The Coalesce doesn't work as is, as it wasn't to return an INT, but can't on a VARCHAR type.
My current Query:
--Player Stat Cards, along with Awards, Salary
b.yearID-m.birthyear as Age,
b.G,b.AB,b.R,b.H,b.[2B],b.[3B],b.HR,b.RBI,b.SB,b.BB,b.SO,left(round((b.h*1.000/b.ab),3),5) as Average
, **COALESCE(a.awardID + ',' + '',0) +a.awardID**
from batting b
inner join
[master] m on b.playerID=m.playerID
inner join
AwardsPlayers a
on m.playerID=a.playerID
inner join Salaries s
on m.playerID=s.playerID
where m.playerID = 'puckett'
group by
,b.IBB,b.HBP,b.SH,b.SF,b.SF,b.GIDP, **COALESCE(a.awardID + ',' + '',0) +a.awardID**
Thanks in advance.
Per the addition of Sswater Shi's contribution...my expression now gives this (much better), however, it returns ALL values found in that column whether or not they are particular to that player for that yearID or not.
Please try this one:
SELECT playerID, yearID, awards = STUFF(
(select ',' + [awardID] from AwardsPlayers t
where playerID = AwardsPlayers.playerID
and yearID = AwardsPlayers.yearID
for xml path('')) , 1 , 1 , '')
FROM AwardsPlayers
GROUP BY playerID, yearID