I have a list of sentences like :
[' no , 2nd main 4th a cross, uas layout, near ganesha temple/ bsnl exchange, sanjaynagar, bangalore',
' grihalakshmi apartments flat , southend road basavangudi bangalore -560004. opp adiyar ananda bhavan near south end c',
' srinivas pg acomudation ;opp to cosmos mall brooke field',
' royal palms 2nd cross,l b sastry nagar bangalore',
' bmp ho name grija \krishnappa garden bagamane .technologi park cv ramanagar']
i need to remove all punctuation except for , and / .. i used string.punctuation to remove all
def punc(x):
predicate = lambda y:y not in string.punctuation
out = filter(predicate,x)
return out
data = data.apply(punc)
this removed everything.. want to remove selected ones..plz help
i used .apply() for it when it was part of a dataframe. now i've converted it to a list. so please reccommend a technique to deal with exceptional punctuations in a list object.
Try this
def punc(x):
predicate = lambda y:y not in ''.join(c for c in string.punctuation if c not in ',/')
out = filter(predicate,x)
return out
Besides, apply() is deprecated.
Remove when prepositions are in the string.
def punc(x):
predicate = lambda y:y not in ''.join(c for c in string.punctuation if c not in './')
prepositions = ['a', 'in'] #define by yourself
if any(p in x.split() for p in prepositions):
return filter(predicate,x)
return x