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Excel: Values from Ranges With Multiple Areas

I would like to get the values of a non contiguous, multi area range in excel using C#. I have seen another SO question that says I can do something like this:

obj[,] data = sheet.get_Range("B4:K4,B5:K5").get_Value();

However, when I examine the result I see that I only get the data from the first area: "B4:K4".

Testing further, I found that if I request the data in the following way:

obj[,] data = sheet.get_Range( "B4:K4","B5:K5").get_Value();

I get the data for both areas...

So, my question is, is there a way to programmatically combine area addresses such as "B4:K4,B5:K5" in order to get all of the data to which they refer?



  • The solution I came up with isn't as elegant as I would have liked but it does the trick nonetheless:

    public List<List<object>> 
    GetNonContiguousRowValue(Excel.Worksheet ws, string noncontiguous_address)
        var addresses = noncontiguous_address.Split(','); // e.g. "A1:D1,A4:D4"
        var row_data = new List<List<object>>();
        // Get the value of one row at a time:
        foreach (var addr in addresses)
            object[,] arr = ws.get_Range(addr).Value;
            List<object> row = arr.Cast<object>)
        return row_data;

    Hope this helps someone else...