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Utilizing Copy constructor for =overloading

I have a class with two vectors: an int and an Str. Now I want to define a copy constructor so that the order of elements is reversed; e.g. if a=(1,Hello),(2,World) and I write auto b=a; I get b=(2,world),(1,hello). Which is working perfectly. The issue I am having is overloading the = operator so that the copy constructor is utilized. Here is my Class plus copy constructor:

class grade
    static int copies;
    std::vector<int> i;
    std::vector<std::string> s;

    grade() {copies++;};
    grade (int , std::string );
    void printval();
    void adder(int , std::string );
    int getcount();

    grade(grade & obj)
        std::vector<std::string>::reverse_iterator strIt = obj.s.rbegin();
        for (std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator numIt=obj.i.rbegin();
             numIt!=obj.i.rend(); ++numIt)
            this->adder(*numIt, *strIt);

    grade operator =(grade );

When I overload the = operator the constructor is called and the trouble is that the valur is not passed to the LHS variable. Here is the overloaded =.

grade grade::operator=(grade cpy)
    grade newer = cpy; //Calls the copy constructor as expected
    return cpy;        //No error but blank value is returned to the LHS variable.

My main function is :

int main()
    grade c2(1,"Hello");
    grade c1;

    grade c3 = c2;
    c1 = c2;

    return 0;

Why does c1 remain blank??


  • You asked: Why does c1 remain blank??

    The answer is that the assignment operator does not modify the object itself. Here's your code:

    grade grade::operator=(grade cpy)
      grade newer=cpy; //Calls the copy constructor as expected
      return cpy; //No error but blank value is returned to the LHS variable.

    The method returns a copy of the input parameter cpy but does not modify the current instance. When this method is executing, *this is the "LHS variable", and it's not being modified at all. Within this method (operator overload, you need to actually modify the member variables of the current instance!