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(Default) construct an object for every variadic type

Consider this code snippet:

void Foo(std::string str1, std::string str2) {}

template<typename... Types>
void Bar()
    Foo(Types{}...); // wont compile

Bar<std::string, std::string>();

What I want to do here is to default construct two std::string objects inside the Bar method and pass them to Foo. However my vain attempts (one of them being in the snippet) wont compile so I am wondering whether this is even possible.

I compiled with VC 2013, which throws compiler errors at me. As stated in the comments, other compilers can handle it. Can anyone tell whether the above snippet is standard conform?


  • It's a problem in the MSVC variadic template expansion process; when it unpacks the list of types it fails to recognise them as suitable for a constructor call. As a workaround, you can perform a type transformation to force the compiler to recognise them:

    template<typename T> using identity_t = T;  // NEW CODE
    void Foo(int, int);
    template<typename... Types>
    void Bar()
        Foo(identity_t<Types>{}...);  // use identity type transformation
    int main() {
        Bar<int, int>();

    I haven't managed to find an issue number yet.