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Best method to create a PDF from MySQL: TCPDF/FPDF or FDF?

Our company allows its clients to view reports via our website. The pages are php based and the data is collected from MySQL. These reports were written a long time ago and include inline css. The pages themselves look fine, but the print version is lacking. I want to take the reports and create visually appealing "printable" pages that contain our branding.

I have found three solutions so far.

  1. @Media Print Stylesheets

    This is the easiest method, but does not give me complete layout control. I want landscape mode and need to control where the page breaks occur so this method has been eliminated from my list of possible solutions. The reports are built by looping through PHP data, so while I can always put a page break after a or for example, I can't stop the page from breaking before it gets to the next set of data.


    From what I have seen these classes will give me all of the control I need to customer a PDF. The challenge is that this appears to be a little more advanced than my programming skills require, and all of the inline CSS contained within the HTML tables may throw off formatting.

  3. FDF

    I am leaning towards this method if I understand it correctly. First I would create a PDF form and define all of the fields to be populated by the MySQL data. Then I would create a FDF file that would populate the form template with the data from the database. It seems easier to me to create a visually pleasing form via PDF and then populate that form using this method, rather than create the entire pdf from scratch using method 2.

Does it sound like I am on the right track? Are any of these methods "easier" than the other?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • TCPDF has the most control of each page which is what I am looking for. It is extremely sensitive when writing HTML, but that is the only downside I have found so far.