I'm trying to create a Hotkey (Win+Shift+Q) that toggles on/off another Hotkey that changes the right Alt key to a left mouse click; however, I can't get it to work.
Expected Behavior:
Here's the most current iteration of my code:
Hotkey, RAlt, MyClick, On
#+Q:: ;Win+Shift+Q :: ::Right-Alt acts as a left mouse button click
switch := !switch
MsgBox %switch%
Hotkey RAlt, % (switch ? "Off": "On")
When I run my script I get the following error after clicking OK on the MsgBox and the script quits:
Error: Nonexistent hotkey
Specifically: RAlt
141: Hotkey,RAlt,MyClick,On
143: switch:=!switch
144: MsgBox %switch%
-->145: Hotkey RAlt, % (switch ? "Off": "On")
146: Return
149: MouseClick
150: Return
The current thread will exit.
Most of the other posts that might relate (Can AutoHotKey toggle keymapping?, Autohotkey: Toggle a set of keybinds on and off) only deal with key to key mapping and not key to mouse mapping. I can't tell if that is the cause of my issues or not.
Previously I had this, but the Win+Shift+Q didn't toggle the behavior, RAlt always acted as a left-click so I commented it out:
#+Q:: ;Win+Shift+Q :: ::Right-Alt acts as a left mouse button click
;Hotkey, RAlt, Toggle ;Does not work for some reason
int += 1
test := mod(int, 2) = 0
if (test) {
msgbox on
Hotkey, RAlt, On
else {
msgbox off
Hotkey, leftClick, Off
I'll also add that I would like this behavior across Windows, not just a single application (which also seems to be a topic in other posts that allows for the #IfWinActive-type suggestions/solutions).
I tried your current iteration of code in AutoHotkey v1.1.13.01 Unicode 32-bit and I don't have any errors after pressing OK
on the message box, the script works as advertised.
Try updating your AutoHotkey version here: http://ahkscript.org/download/ and see if the problem persists.