I am writing a simple fishing game in PHP. I have a snippet of code that's printing all of the image files in my /img directory, but it's also outputting .DS_Store. I want to exclude that file, maybe using glob(), but I don't know how. I've googled this for hours with no luck.
$files = scandir('img');
if ($files !== false) {
foreach($files as $f) {
if ($f == '..' || $f == '.') continue;
echo '<li class="fish_pic"><img src="img/'.$f.'" alt="'.$f.'" title="" class="fish"></li>'."\n";
How can I exclude .DS_Store?
$files = scandir('img');
if ($files !== false) {
foreach($files as $f) {
if ($f == '..' || $f == '.' || substr($f, -strlen(".DS_Store")) === ".DS_Store") continue;
echo '<li class="fish_pic"><img src="img/'.$f.'" alt="'.$f.'" title="" class="fish"></li>'."\n";