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How to call original method that includes a call to a faked method?

I'm using MS Fakes.

Give the following class:

public class Person
    public void SaveQuotes()

    private void DoSomething()
        Console.WriteLine("Original DoSomething called.");

and this test:

public void TestMethod1()
    using (ShimsContext.Create())
        var sut = new ShimPerson();

        sut.DoSomething = () => { Console.WriteLine("Called from test"); };


When I run the test, the sut.Instance.SaveQuotes() method is basically skipped over, since that method has been shimmed. What I want is to execute the original SaveQuotes() method. So I tried this:

public void TestMethod1()
    using (ShimsContext.Create())
        var sut = new ShimPerson();

        sut.DoSomething = () => { Console.WriteLine("Called from test"); };
        sut.SaveQuotes = () => { ShimsContext.ExecuteWithoutShims(() => sut.Instance.SaveQuotes()); };


When I run the test now, it does execute the original SaveQuotes(), but as a side-effect it also runs the original DoSomething() method too.

How can I run the original SaveQuotes() but the faked DoSomething(). TypeMock does this will the .CallOriginal option when setting up fakes, but I cannot see how to do the same in MS Fakes.


  • OK, I got it now.

    I had to change the ShimBehaviors.InstanceBeahviour property like so:

    public void TestMethod1()
        using (ShimsContext.Create())
            var sutShim = new ShimPerson();
            sutShim.DoSomething = () => { Console.WriteLine("Called from test"); };
            sutShim.InstanceBehavior = ShimBehaviors.Fallthrough;

    This tells Fakes to call the original SaveQuotes() method, whilst still using the faked DoSomething() method. I found this to be a good reference: