I'm going through Simply Scheme and just got to the section on recursion.
I don't understand why when the base case is met Scheme returns the "built up" value of the recursive procedure and not the actual argument value which caused the base case to evaluate to #t
For example, have a look at this sample code snippet of a recursive procedure which takes a word as input, reverses it, and spits it back out:
(define (reverse wd)
(if (empty? wd) wd
(word (last wd) (reverse (bl wd)))))
Here's what confuses me: (if (empty? wd) wd
I understand that when the actual argument value for the formal parameter wd
is empty (or ""
) the base case evaluates to #t
, causing the value of the second argument to if
to be evaluated.
What I don't understand is how the second argument to if
, in this case) can return something that's not empty even though it would appear to be the same, empty, formal parameter that triggered the base case.
What am I missing?
If there's something in the documentation (or the text) which explains this I'd be happy to review it.
Since state doesn't change here you could just substitute what the function does with its recursion. Imagine you have a two letter word a
(reverse a) ; =>
(word (last a) (reverse (bl a))) ; ==>
(word (last a) (word (last (bl a)) (reverse (bl (bl a))))) ; ==>
(word (last a) (word (last (bl a)) (bl (bl a)))) ; ==>
(word (last a) (word (last (bl a)) '()))
The last (bl (bl a))
is the only thing done by the last iteration and it's '()
The rest is done as the continuation of the previous calls.
To clarify.. Imagine a is "ab"
(reverse "ab") ; turns into
(word (last "ab") (reverse (bl "ab"))) ; tuns into
(word "b" (reverse (bl "ab"))) ; turns into
(word "b" (reverse "a"))) ; turns into
(word "b" (word (last "a") (reverse (bl "a"))))) ; turns into
(word "b" (word "a" (reverse ""))))
Now look at that last one.. When (reverse "")
returns "" it's the result used in the previous form call, in the word
form, so you'll get (word "a" "") ==> "a"
, then that will be returned to the first call that does (word "b" "a")
. These are continuations.