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Register has "wrong" value in core dump analysed by gdb

I'm analyzing a core dump file created by SIGSEV using gdb. I get the line number for the C source, but when I evaluate the expression, I get the correct value (the expression is

local_var = ((array[index])->field[index2]).field2 

where array is a global variable). The values of index and index2 are optimized out (of course :-( ), but I computed them a couple of times and each time I got the same valid value. Out of despair I've checked the disassembled code and the registers and got this:

   0x00002b083e06d84c <+142>:   mov    %r13d,%edx          # index (234) to edx
   0x00002b083e06d84f <+145>:   mov    0x2039fa(%rip),%rax # 0x2b083e271250 (address of array)
   0x00002b083e06d856 <+152>:   mov    (%rax,%rdx,8),%rdx  # array[index] (0x2b083e271250+8*234) to rdx
   0x00002b083e06d85a <+156>:   movslq %ecx,%rax           # index2 to rax
=> 0x00002b083e06d85d <+159>:   mov    0x28(%rdx),%rdx     # array[index]->field to rdx

The comments are my understanding of the code. The SIGSEV is received at the last instruction. The contents of the registers:

rax            0x5  5
rbx            0x2aaad4096a9c   46913190193820
rcx            0x5  5
rdx            0x0  0
rsi            0xea 234
rdi            0xc75000a9   3343909033
rbp            0x41f898c0   0x41f898c0
rsp            0x41f898a0   0x41f898a0
r8             0x2aaacb411c60   46913042848864
r9             0x2020202020207475   2314885530818475125
r10            0x52203c3c20202020   5917796139299512352
r11            0x2b083bb29070   47314361290864
r12            0xc75000a9   3343909033
r13            0xea 234
r14            0x0  0
r15            0x2aaad40966a4   46913190192804
rip            0x2b083e06d85d   0x2b083e06d85d

Because rdx is 0, I understand the segmentation fault in the last segment, because the code tried to read from 0x28 which is not accessible. What I don't understand is why rdx is 0? In the first line edx gets the 234 value (the r13 register is not modified since that instruction and this is the valid value of index I've computed). In the third line the 8 bytes at 0x2b083e5b6f20+(8*234) = 0x2b083e5b7670 are assigned to rdx, but those bytes are not 0:

(gdb) x/2 0x2b083e5b7670
0x2b083e5b7670: 0x3e578900  0x00002b08

How do rdx ends up with the 0 value?

I'm doing this on x86_64 Linux and this is a multithreaded program. Could this be a hardware error? The SIGSEV doesn't happen always.


  • this is a multithreaded program. The SIGSEV doesn't happen always.

    It sounds like you may have a data race: after current thread loaded array[index])->field (which was 0 at the time) some other thread came in and wrote a different value there (you now observe the new value in the core).

    Could this be a hardware error?

    Everything is possible, but a data race is 99.99% more probable.