In reference to my testing site's page:
I have a Spry menu on the left side, that when is being used, seems to kill the <p> tags in the content section on the right side.
The .css file used is:
and the .js file is in the same folder but is SpryMenuBar.js
I've been playing with this for 2 days now and can't figure out why there is no longer a space between paragraphs in the content section on the right side. If I don't use the Spry menu, the content section shows just fine.
I would post code here but all 3 pages are relevant to this question and would take up a very large space.
SpryMenuBarVertical.css on 12 line defines:
* { margin:0; padding:0}
margin:0 is affecting your paragraphs. I suggest that you delete that line and adjust the menu's styles to suit your needs.
Edit: I think I should tell you how I figured it out in case you encounter a similar problem in the future. Here are steps for Google Chrome, and it should be similar in other browsers.