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Nested link_to_function/insert_html does not work

Here is a simple example of the problem.

In short, if you have a index.rhtml with:

<%= link_to_function "A link to insert a partial with nested insert_html" do |page|
      page.insert_html :top, :with_a_nested_insert_html, :partial => 'example_partial_with_nested_insert_html'
    end %>

And a _example_partial_with_nested_insert_html.rhtml

<%= link_to_function "A nested link to insert_html" do |page|
      page.insert_html :top, :with_a_nested_insert_html, :partial => 'you_wont_see_this'
    end %>

It breaks the "A link to insert a partial with nested insert_html". I am thinking something needs to be done to protect the javascript in the partial.

Any thoughts?


  • Here's how I do it.

    <%= link_to_function( "insert it", :id => 'foo') do |page| 
                partial = escape_javascript(render :partial => "my_partial", :object =>
                page <<  "$('#my_div').append(\"#{partial}\")"
            end %>