I am using this api.. whose function call looks like:
Now note that idenitifier is a variable which I have not defined but is resoluted by api and value is a string.
Something similar happens in pymongo api: http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/tutorial.html
db = client.test_database
is equal to
db = client["test_database"]
test_database in first case, even though user hasnt defined that variable.. but is understood by mongo that in my datastore, do i have a database called test_database or not..
Now, the issue I have is this: I have a colon in my datastore..
Which is to say it is like:
See.. the colon in the query..
And this api doesnt have that mongo type dictionary implementation..
I know, I should resolve this as in why I am getting this colon.. but this is what I am stuck at right now..
And the issue is because of that colon, I get
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
How do i resolve this
may work ... this is known as unpacking keyword arguments