I have a C++ application already coded and its interface has been made with wxWidgets library. I would like to create a new interface with Qt creator.
My question is: how can I bind the C++ code with the new Qt interface?
Since you already have working logic, I suggest using QtQuick which is based on data binding. Although there's another technology named QtWidgets which is more classic, separation of logic/view is a bit weaker compared to QtQuick.
3 key concepts to get started with QtQuick with C++ binding are Q_PROPERTY / Q_INVOKABLE macros and qmlRegisterTypes method.
It looks like below:
public class YourLogicClassWrapper : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(int yourData READ yourData WRITE setYourData NOTIFY yourDataChanged)
Q_INVOKABLE void yourMethodInvokedFromGUI(int) { /* ... */ }
// ... you need to write getter "yourData()" and setter "setYourData(int)"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
qmlRegisterTypes<YourLogicClassWrapper>("YourModule", 1, 0, "YourQmlElem");
// ... read qml file and display window etc. all generated by QtCreator
Once above are done, in .qml files, your field is visible and assignable, and your method callable.
Import QtQuick 2.2
Import YourModule 1.0
Item {
YourQmlElem {
id: y
yourData: 42
Button {
onClicked: y.yourMethodInvokedFromGUI(1)
// ...