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Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'jCarouselLite' Getting this error on implementing jcrousel

I tried restoring all options of slider of jcrousel. It result in error that function jcrousellite not found.

I was working on

Error not yet resolved.


  • You have 2 versions of jQuery loaded on that page. The jCarouselLite plugin is attached to the first instance of jQuery that loaded. Currently, you are getting a reference to the second jQuery that was loaded via the .noConflict() call...

    var $jx = jQuery.noConflict(); 
    $jx(function() {
            btnNext: ".next",

    Change it to use the original jQuery object and you should be good...

    var $jx = jQuery.noConflict(); 
    $(function() {
            btnNext: ".next",